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Archives > December 2014

Mistakes Sellers Make When Selling their home- Part One     

Choosing an Agent based on the Highest Price  

When pricing your home, it is only natural to want to get the highest price possible. We all want that. Often times home owners are trying to pay off other debt and trying to buy “up” in their market, so getting the best price possible for their current home is the way they approach that.

Your financial needs do not dictate asking price

This one is hard to overcome. When you roll your debt into your asking prices there are problems that naturally arise out of that.

If a Seller over prices their home, it puts them behind the 8 ball and then they end up trying to chase the market. So let’s start at the beginning, a Seller should not be pricing their home in the first place.

Problems occur when unsuspecting sellers are interviewing Agents to get a price. Well-meaning Agents will come in and make valid suggestions on pricing and presentation, with the hopes that their honesty and good business practice will shine through.
And it really should but, what ends up happening is that the home owner gets caught up in the HIGHEST price spoken because of their financial needs dictating the price.

So, they chose the Agent that priced their home higher. They end up losing in wasted time, lost buyers, frustration and extra carrying costs. This can go on for months, locked into a contract. There are sometimes two mortgages as well, because they bought before they sold.

The Seller’s always blame the Agent for not being able to sell the house, however the Agent knew that it wouldn’t sell at that price and that reductions would be in order. That being said as Realtors, we are bound to obey a Seller’s lawful instructions. So while it is not unlawful to list at a high price, it is costly in the end.

This is an unfortunate reality of my industry (yes I am a Licensed Realtor) however, it can be avoided if the seller takes responsibility too and they hear what all Agents are saying.

What is your House Worth?

Sellers need to put their financial needs aside and price according to what the market says their house is worth, not what they “feel or think” it’s worth. The reality is that Buyers and SOLD prices in the area determine what a house is worth, contrary to popular belief.

Sellers need to be making wise financial decisions when accepting a price given during a Comparative Market Analysis. They also need to keep a proper perspective when they have other financial issues that may try to drive their choices.

Choosing an Agent based on the highest price is a sure fire way to end up losing more in the long run.

In addition to proper pricing, Staging a home brings in better offers than not staging it.

So clean, repair and stage your home, get it priced correctly and see results fast. You will be glad you did!

To order your own copy of my eBook “Stage and Sell with Confidence” click the link below:


You can also book a 15 minute no obligation strategy call with me to see if my staging and marketing services would work for you.

Jill Turgeon

REALTOR® @  One Percent Realty & RESA Award Winning Home Stager

& Owner of Simply Irresistible Interiors


Offering her optional “Stage and Sell Real Estate” services to her listing clients, she can strategize with you on the best way to set your home apart for selling


*This website in whole, is not intended to solicit listings that are currently under contract to other brokerages.

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